Five Surprising Foods that Fight Allergies

Allergy season is almost upon us here in Minnesota.

Maybe you’ve had allergies your whole life, or maybe they waited to drive you mad later in life. Maybe you take medication for your symptoms, or maybe you just suffer through with travel-sized tissues in your pocket at all times. No matter who you are or, how your seasonal allergies manifest, there are things that you can do to help lessen your suffering.

While acupuncture and herbs are hugely important steps to take when treating allergies, incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods is also super important.  

How Do You Know When Acupuncture Is Working?

Many patients visit my clinic as a last ditch effort for their health. They've seen their primary physician, one or many specialists, and possibly other integrative care practitioners before they decide to give acupuncture a shot. By this time, their symptoms may have been present anywhere between 6 months to several decades. At this point, their condition is clinically considered "chronic".

Acupuncture isn't a magic pill. There are times when it can produce almost miraculous results - I've seen it myself - but those are generally the exception, not the rule. You can't expect a chronic condition of several years resolve in one or two sessions. Acupuncture works cumulatively - just like strength training or learning a new language. As I discuss in this blog post, the frequency and length of treatment varies from patient to patient. And while the primary symptoms might not abate in the first few treatments, there are other markers you can look for to know when acupuncture is working for you.

Ice is For Dead People

That’s the old Chinese adage that first came to mind when I read a recent blog post on injuries. Traditional Chinese medicine has known for centuries that ice is detrimental to healing injured tissue, and now it seems that some western MD’s might be coming around to the same conclusion.

Ice is great at preserving things in a fixed state.

Ice is great for keeping my meat CSA fresh throughout the winter, but you’ll never find me icing my shoulder after one too many pull-ups.

Why All Athletes Should Get Acupuncture

Kobe Bryant does it. So does McKayla Moroney. Dee Dee Trotter even brought someone to London with her in order to continue her treatments during the Olympic games. What’s their secret to functioning at the professional athletic level? Acupuncture.

Once only thought of as a last resort for people with low back pain, people with conditions varying from autoimmune diseases to generalized anxiety are now turning to acupuncture for help. This is especially true for active individuals. Athletes of all levels are embracing the benefits that acupuncture produces: quicker recovery time after strenuous workouts, help healing from injuries, less anxiety during competitions, and the list goes on and on.